Sunday, April 15, 2012

Winter In Tirane

What are the winters like in Tirane? Do they get much snow? Do the nearby mountains become snow covered in winter? How much snowfall is average?


Winters in Tirana are generally mild. It rarely snows in the city and the surroundings. If you get outside of Tirana and travel west to more mountainous regions, there is a considerable amount of snow.


That%26#39;s right, it does not snow much in Tirana, but it rains and rains and rains and rains......

Further north and northwest you%26#39;ll find higher peaks and more snow....the Albanian Alps are BEAUTIFUL.


Winters in Tirana? COLD, at least inside the houses! The cement block construction of the houses holds the cold from outside; and, since the homes have no central heating but depend on gas and/or electric heaters, the temperature inside most homes is %26quot;chilly%26quot; even with extra clothes on. Outside the nighttime lows and daytime highs are between 0 and +8, three or four times a year reaching -5 overnight. The few times that snow might try to fall in the city, it quickly disappears, either before reaching the ground or upon touching it. However, in 2003 one storm brought enough snow for the children to make a small snowman if they got out early enough in the morning to do so. But the usual weather consists of rain, puddles, clouds, rain, overcast, mud, rain, dampness...and so on. Sun is an illusive commodity.


ah the rain! i was stuck with the rain this summer, for 12 hours solid! but the mountains are beautiful when covered with snow


zana are u originally from shishtavec

Typical clothing for Durres or Saranda in Summer

I%26#39;m traveling to Durres or Saranda in June and understand the weather will be very warm. Can someone tell me the typical style of clothing people wear in these cities?


Hi weather in Albania is same as Greece, Sarande is not very big and is geared to tourists, so holiday clothes will be fine, we go every year to see friends. Take a lightweight jacket in case of showers. Enjoy your stay


Thank you so much lindylee. I appreciate it.


Hi seen the post. Word of caution. Apart from the resort areas, dress code for males is normally light summer trousers etc. You wont find many people in shorts. Walking back the swimming pools in Tirana in shorts, usually gets some interesting looks !

Albanians tend to dress extremely smartly.

Try to visit some other parts of the country too.


I do agree with the above forumer, i would like to add that this is the old mentality. Basically the reason why males do not wear shorts is to hide their hairy legs. Now this is old mentality and I do not know if it%26#39;s still in wide circulation. Bold guys with hairy legs do wear shorts and kudos to them, but this is a rarity.

Korce (Koritsa) to Tirana

Anyone have any info on hotels in Korce? What is distance from Tirana to Korce and any

recommendations on how to travel there - (Tirana/Korce)train, bus, how long does it take? Any nice beaches near Korce or Tirana?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks



I was on a holiday in Albania 6 months ago.

I travelled from Tirana to Korca.

Would be happy to answer questions over email.

Melbourne, Australia



considering albania

ok. im an american from los angeles and id love to hear from anyone with knowledge on albania. id like to travel there because while everyone else goes to france or spain or italy or germany which im sure are great, i like to see off the beaten track places. i just went to cambodia in november. anyway, what would a person do in tirana which is where i would probably go? id want to work my way up by rail bus and do serbia so any advice on what to see in that region would be appreciated as well.

what is crime like?

any special precautions?

are there really no atm machines there?

what does medium priced safe lodging cost?

what should i see in tirana?





the crime rate is average as everywhere in the capital and central towns. However, the norther area is reported to be most dangerous every now and then. The road to Serbia via Kosovo goes in the middle of the mountains and takes a long while between 5-6 hours. You may want to go from Tirana to Shkodra - the road recently upgraded and in just over 3 hours you can be in Podgorica and follow the road to Belgrade from there.

ATM machines can be found at large these days in Tirana and at major towns these days and you can withdraw money from your Visa and Mastercard without any problem.

Medium price lodging would mean about 50 Euro. With this price you can finde reasonably comfortable hotels very close to the centre. You can also find appartments that will cost you about 20 Euros but it will be up to you.

Tirana has not a great variety of places to see apart from the national museum. While Tirana is a great place to wine and dine with plenty of restaurants, pubs and wine bars you may need to go out of Tirana to explore the country. There are archeological sites in Butrint (6 hours from Tirana close to the border with Greece). Depending when you%26#39;d like to come or you may want to check the beauty of the southern coast of Vlora and Saranda. Summer time is best for visiting Albania if you are fond of sun and sea and great food and have no problem with hot weather.


Good for you TERPT - I, too, am interesting in visiting Albania and even posted a question MONTHS ago and to date have not recvd an answer....I was interested in visiting the town of Korce from Tirana....maybe Tirons can help....nevertheless, I will be watching your post for answers to your good questions....Thanks Tirons....


Hi guys!

I was travelling through Europe six months ago and spent 6 days in Albania.

I loved it!!! It is very different to the other european countries i visited as it was much more unique and %26#39;real%26#39;. There are hardly no other tourists (i saw a total of 3 other %26#39;visible%26#39; tourists while i was in albania over 6 days! )

The people are extremely friendly! Not many people speak English which makes communication a little difficult.

I went to Tirana, Durres and Korca.

If you have some specific questions, I%26#39;d be more then happy to drop you guys an email.


Melbourne, Australia


Hey pixiefeet...Sounds like you really enjoyed it...How did you get from Tirana to Korce...bus/train? How far and how long did it take you? What were your impressions or Korce? Interested to hear your responses.....and where were you coming from? I%26#39;m in Greece and Italy allot...heard it%26#39;s easy from Florina area of Greece or by boat/ferry from Corfu possibly?

Looking forward to your responses and impressions....Thanks for any info you can provide....


Hi Litsa. Just saw your post. I have been away for a few weeks but back in town now. The only way to travel from Korca to Tirana is by bus. It will take roughly about 3.5 - 4 hours. The road goes through the little town of Pogradec which is on the lake Ohrid (this is less than an hour from Korca) and you may like to sunbathe there. It used to be a beautiful coast but after the fall of communism it has gone down the drain and is not quite clean everywhere. You may like to stop for a great lake-fish lunch on the way in the restaurants just out of Pogradec. Pogradec is just accross the border from Macedonia and the town of Ohrid where the coast is reportedly better maintained.

If you want really sun and sea you need to explore southern Albanian coast in the towns of Vlora (about 2.5 hours away from Tirana) or Saranda (about 5-6 hours from Tirana). For a more convenient beach you may check the city of Durres where there are plenty hotels and restaurants but with the beach and sea quality considerably lower compared to Vlora and Saranda.

hope this helps


It sure helps and thanks any chance, do you know of any good hotels ON the beach in Vlora and Saranda?


you need a car to get out of Saranda to enjoy its beautiful little beaches and if you are a fan of archeology and history to go and check the ancient ruins of the world heritage site Butrint.

If you only care about having a nice and relaxing break by the sea and moreover if you really want to check some good fresh fish dishes then Vlora is your place. I would suggest you get out of town to a place called Radhima which is full of by the sea hotels. You can check this site for hotel details

However, I would suggest a couple I have been myself Hotel Paradise and Grand Hotel. The former is slightly more expensive and is widely believed to be the best. Bear in mind that during the months of July and August it would be difficult to find hotels as they perfer to rent rooms out for longer weekly or two-weekly periods.

hope you have a good time


and finally if you decide to skip Korca and come from Italy, the low fare airlines have just found their way into Albania. Check for really cheap return flights to Tirana from Rome, Pisa, Forli and many other small Italian airports. If you book well in advance a return ticked would only cost you around 156 Euro.


Hey, I%26#39;m an American student living in London. I%26#39;m headed to Tirana for 6 nights June 13-19. I%26#39;ve been looking for a travel buddy if anyone in this thread might be interested in tagging along.

I%26#39;m going on the premise to do some research in Tirana, but would love to see other cities if I can. Can email me at if anyone%26#39;s interested. thx. -ash


Hope you find a travel buddy, ashbug...Tirons, thanks again...your info is fabulous and I am going to strart checkin out your reccomendations....

finding old friend

can anyone help me get in touch with a friend called adonis diamanti he comes from lushnji some of his family come from durres he has 3 or 4 brothers musicians his father was a barber he has a sister who is a hairdresser and his youngest sister the only one to speak english is studying physcoligy if anyone can point me in the right direction as to where i start looking i have his home address but i,m sure he is not there at the moment he also has an artist shop but not sure if its in durres or tirane would be gratefull for any help here i would love to meet up once again with this person . thanks


hi there!

I am not sure i will be able to help since i dont know this person but i wanted to ask you a couple of question so meaby i can after that.

I live in london but i have friends from lushnje whom i might ask.

Are you sure the persons name is adonis diamanti.It just does not sound albanian at all,at least the surname.

Have you meet him in scotland or abroad,being a female and albanian myself i know sometimes albanian man love to dissapear when the going gets tough.

But anyway i wish you luck in finding adonis and meaby i might be able to help.

all the best..


thank you for your reply adais he is albanian and yes i met him here in glasgow scotland two yrs ago we fell in love but he had to go back home but he returned five wks ago at my home we saw each other every day for 2 wks and then he suddenly had to leave he says to london but i think he has family in sheffield so he may be there or else he is back home he told me he was still very much in love with me but i need closure on this one way or another i have today sent him a letter to his home but dont know if he has anyone staying in his home who knows where he is or can forward it to him maybe he has problems i dont know but i love him so much and he told me many times he feels the same i dont know what else to do he may not be happy at me doing this wich is also a worry for me but thanks for your help .

kind regards catherine


dear adais i forgot to mention i did write to him 2 yrs ago with this name and to the adress in lushnje he gave me and he did recieve the mail


Dear Catherine!

Sorry for the late reply.

I wrotte the name of Adonis down and i will ask a friend whose husband is from Lushnje and see if anyone knows him.

I do not not mean to be rude or intrude in your private life but i think its best for you if you move on.He obviously loved you but becouse of the documents and becuose most of albanian man(do not mean to ofend anyone my opinion and experience)do miss familys and home when they are abroad,they behave strangle but most of them at the end when it comes to settling down or things get serious want to do it with an albanian girl(by the way we are not privileged on this one).

Sorry if i was a bit too much on this one but i do love scotland and the people are so friendly i have been over there manny times and i do have friends there so my samaritan spirit is taking over i guess.!!

Anyway i will let you know if get any news,

all the best to you catherine ...



thank you for your reply you are possibly right maybe i should just give up when i%26#39;ve been at work i%26#39;ve had a few missed calls on my land line but the number was not witheld but could not be given for technical reasons which i have never heard of before and there are only a handfull of people with this number and i have checked and it wasnt them the address i have for him is floktorja ng jiturme dy qanin foto isi tek ypsiloni lushnje if that helps if there is anything i can do for you in the future adais please dont hesitate to ask thank you once again by the way he is 31 yrs old

kind regards catherine


Dear Catherine!

I just recieved a reply from my friend in Albania.

Her husband is from Lushnje and he has never known anyone in Lushnje with that name or even surname.He nows most of the people in Lushnje becouse it is a very small town and everyone knows the other person or you could ask and definitely your neighbour or a friend would know.

My friends husband said that might be an invented name( i thought so too to be honest with you.)

The address that he has given to you its very odd there is no street name or number on it and the wording basicly means;the hairdressers near the photo shop x and y(which in albanian slang means this and that)lushnje.

My gutt feeling is that you probably did not meet the right and the most honest person and man in their 30 in albania are still stuck in the old mentality i am afraid(not all of them thank god).

My advice to you dear friend (although we never meet allow me to say that pls)is to move on and forget him becouse in my opinion if he wanted to be with oyu ,you wouldve know it by now but i think it is best for you to forget and strat all over.

I wish you all the best and good luck in the future.



dear adais thank you so much for your help and your right i will need to move on i know that his sister did work in a hairdressers and so did he

but its probably better i just forget him thank toy again i wish you good health in the future have a wondrefull life full of happiness take care

regards catherine


Sweet Catherine - I have read the entire history here and feel like an intruder in some ways but just simply want to tell you that someone with a golden heart, just like yours, will evenutally find their way into your life making it happy and not sad....Adais is certainly right....knowing her own culture and humanity itself! You are obviously a wonderfully sensitive your heart for someone who is worth deserve it!



thank you for your kind message i appreciate it its nice to no that there are so many nice people out there and i think adais is right she was a great help to me and i wont forget her my heart is breaking but i will move on from this i am sure thank you once again for your kind words take care and all the best in the future

cath x


hi catherine,

I am sorry about what happened, but if you%26#39;re still looking, I will try to find the person for u. you said: floktorja... was his address contact in Lushnje, right?

Pls let me know and I will search further. If you have other names from his family, pls do let me know. you can also write at

rgds, diana

moving to tirana

im thinking about moving to albania and i would like to hear from any person from england that lives in albania.

i%26#39;ve been there several times and wanted to know do albanians treat you any different?


hi, i do not live in albania, but i have spent a lot of time there,and i also am thinking of moving there.i have english friends that live in albania, and they love it! and have been very welcomed by the locals


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Lighthouse question

Just been wondering are all lighthouses in Albania listed building?

And is there dificulty in getting planning permission to build on?

Thank you for any answers.



Here%26#39;s some information on lighthouses. If you%26#39;re looking to purchase one maybe find one that%26#39;s big enough for you needs without having to extend?


Thank you very much for your quick reply.

Do you know if its possible to get a lift fitted in lighthouses?


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British/Americans in Tirana

I am British and married to an Albanian.

I would love to hear from anyone who is living and working in Tirana. I have struggled to find any real sources of information on the work available to English speakers there. We are thinking about trying our luck out there for a year or so, and see how things go. Any advice would be gratefully received.

Tirana is a fantastic city in my opinion. My husband and I go there twice a year and always have a great time. There%26#39;s lots of things to see and do in the city centre, the weather is fab and the coastline is great if you want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

The people are very friendly and those who have already been there will know that the hospitality is wonderful- you%26#39;re always well-fed in an Albanian household!! It%26#39;s also a great place to go on a budget.


Hi there. I am glad you like albania. I live in New York and I just returned from Tirana. I suggest you look for a job within places such the American bank of Albania and many different foundations that operate there. I dont think it should be that hard. Good luck.

check the newspapers also. There are daily advertisements in english about employment.


It shouldnt be very difficult. First of all Albanian parents are very eager for their children to master the English language, and British, American Canadian or Australian instructors are much more preferred. I myself used to follow an English language course several years ago founded by an American couple, and they were not professors, though I owe to them a lot of the things that I%26#39;ve learned. There are several private schools which you could search for, especially in Tirana.


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Removed on: 1:21 pm, September 08, 2009

East Europe 22. Dec 07-11. Jan 08(Dates, countries flex)

Hi everyone

I%26#39;m currently staying in Germany and am planning to do a trip around east europe after my internship ends. As the title of the post suggest, the date is not fixed (depending on how much overtime I can clock up and if I can finish my projects earlier ;P)

the rough plan is to take a train from Germany into Budapest and return finally with a plane from Zagreb back to Germany. The time period is almost a good three weeks. Of course it%26#39;d be nice to visit asmany countries as possible, but to me, quality is more impt then quantity and not just about having another feather in my hat.

The countries on the way: Hungary -%26gt; Romania -%26gt; Bulgaria -%26gt; Macedonia -%26gt; Albania -%26gt;Montenegro -%26gt; Serbia -%26gt; Bosnia and Hercegovinia -%26gt; Croatia, which is ultimately impossible. Due to some visa restrictions (I%26#39;m singaporean, and my resident permit in Germany expires end of the year) I%26#39;ve decided to leave out Bulgaria and Bosnia and Hercegovinia. I%26#39;ve heard that Albania could be tricky, so I%26#39;m giving it a miss also. I last checked the Macedonian website and it seems I can travel through the country for 14 days as a tourist without a visa.

so the trip route might turn out so: Hungary -%26gt; Romania -%26gt; Serbia -%26gt; from here I can choose to go down to Macedonia, visit Albania, back up to Montenegro and finally into Croatia, or simply straight into Croatia from Serbia.

- After all the rambling, I would like to ask if anyone has attempted something similar before?

- Some recommendations on the things to do in the various countries. I would pretty much like to be in the outdoors in Romania and contacted the guide Iulian from but have yet to receive a reply.

- tips on crossing the various borders, things to look out, transport (I will of course look through the various threads for some research)

- Is it even possible? My colleague from Serbia thinks I%26#39;m crazy to do all this in winter and insists I will freeze to death. I however would think it%26#39;s a good opportunity to discover the places undisturbed.

- tips or experiences camping in these places.

Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks for even reading through the whole post to begin with!


Hello, Laugh.

I%26#39;m afraid I haven%26#39;t traveled in Eastern Europe, although I dream of it. I have traveled a lot in Western Europe and consider myself a Europhile. I so love Europe that I have a Website of travel links so that I can travel vicariously, at least. You may find some links on the site that will give you ideas for your Eastern tour.

I wonder why you don%26#39;t include Slovenia on your tour list. Again, I haven%26#39;t been there, but it sounds like a wonderful destination. The Triglavski Narodni national park is supposed to be spectacular and the Adriatic coast looks like it would offer dramatic views of the sea and land. And Dubrovnik looks wonderful, although it is beginning to see more and more tourists.

Have a great trip,

Steve Stone


Hey Steve

Thanks a lot for your travel tip and the link to the website. Slovenia, yeah I thought about it, but I chose Zagreb as the last station as it%26#39;s more convenient perhaps? But it%26#39;s not fixed yet, so things might change. There%26#39;s currently a flight back from Croatia to Stuttgart, where I stay, so it%26#39;s great. But if I can find a cheap ticket back from Slovenia, I%26#39;ll definitely include it in my trip.

Thanks again!


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Removed on: 1:17 am, September 12, 2009

Albania tour guide choices

We are just planning our trip to Albania for about 5 days starting in Tirane. Do you know of any reliable tour guide to contact. We do not want to drive a car there and it appears the way to go is with a private driver. Is it possible to take a taxi from city to city without breaking the bank. In other words, is taking a private taxi about the same in fees as a guide would charge. We are getting rates of about $200 a day just for the guide.Not including anything else but the guide and the car. I wonder what a taxi would charge fr om point A to B. Then the next day take another taxi from Point B to C and so on. Any suggestions?



Hi GlorKurban. The daily money that you are getting for a taxi and a guide is totally overrated. With that I mean that you will not be charged that much for a daily trip with a taxi, from lets say Tirana to Gjirokastra, Tirana-Saranda, Tirana-Kruja and so on. In Albania taxi drivers have no machines to calculate the amount, and u always make a previous deal and the work is done. U will probably pay 50 or maximum 60 euros or even lesser considering distance, but do not agree to more than that. for example me and my friends would always get a taxi to go from tirana to the macedonian border, and we never paid more than 40 thousand albanian Lek, which is something like 35-36 Euros. Also, u will be able to be better informed to the hotel where u are residing, and u can also learn about the prices. But as I said 200 dollars a day for a guide would make a taxi driver the richest taxi driver in Albania lol : ) Renting a car is also not a bad idea. My parents live in Greece, and even though the quality of the roads is no comparison, by being careful they have managed to travel all across the country and never have had any troubles. So you should really not be worried about transport.


WE are a tour operator in Albania and we can ake the arrangmnt that you need, replye soonset.


Hello Sir/Madam. we are a tour operator in Albanian and we can make the arrangment the you request.


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Removed on: 9:18 pm, September 07, 2009

Cheap flights from Tirana to Istanbul


I am looking for a cheap flight to Istanbul from either Tirane or anywhere in Albania to Istanbul. I have checked Ryanair and EasyJet.

Would anyone have any information they could share with me on this? Many thanks!


I am making the same trip in April. What did you do? Did you buy your tickets in Tirana? Any suggestions of where to stay in Tirana?

MANY thanks!!

A. Graham

British Columbia


Try Turkish Airline; it%26#39;s about $200 euro roundtrip from Tirane (cheaper or a bit more expensive depending on the departure time). This is the cheapest I%26#39;ve found so far.


Depending on the budget I can reccomend various hotels for Tirana, Albania


check the Albanian national airline website. It may not have a price but it does have timetables and phone nos.


Hello Sir/Mada. I a m travel agent from Albanian i offer to you the cheaper price from Tita to Istanbol with 247.50 euro round trip.

Bus travel in Albania

Is there a source for online bus schedules for Albania? Are most routes frequent enough to just wing it, or are most only one or two a day? We are looking to do a few day trips from Tirane and also a longer haul to Montenegro and on to Dubrovnik.

Is it feasible / economical to hire a driver instead of doing the bus? Can this be arranged on the spot thru most hotels, or if not, how?


NO Albanian bus schedules are available on the web.

There are many buses available to all major cities.

You can hire a driver to take you anywhere, but at a higher cost.

Buses are frequent and very low in cost.

There are no direct buses from Tirana to Montenegro.

Take the bus to the border and walk across to Montenegro.

On the Montenegro side of the border you can hire any driver or taxi that will take you to Podgorica. There are plenty of buses from there to all major cities in Montenegro. Its very easy to go through the border. My girlfriend and my 8 year old daughter did it with ease.

From the Albanian / Montenegro border to Podgorica should cost about 20USD.




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Removed on: 12:18 pm, September 13, 2009

Car hire for few days in Albania

Hi everyone! I will be in Albania in November for few days with 2 friends and we would like to travel around the country a bit (lakes and seaside mainly). Do you know is it easy to hire a car with a driver at a daily rate? What is the fair price per day? Maybe you can recommend some drivers (rather from Tirana, as we will start and finish there).

Or is it better to simply use Hertz/Avis?

Thank you in advance!


Hi there. Iam albanian from Tirana and i would strongly recommend that you hire a driver. First you have to be a pro to drive in Albania {lol}. People drive like crazy and only the once that live there know how to handle the situations. I dont exactly know the daily rate but if you want I can find out. And maybe even recommend someone that can be trust worthy and safe. I did use someone to take me places and maybe he can do the same thing for you.

let me know.


Hi! Thnak you for your reply. I am a good driver, but simply thought it would be more convenient if someone else who knows the roads and directions drives instead of us.

Can you please find out and i.e. send me an e-mail of that person?



Hey there, it is true that people are driving as crazy here but I have been here for almost a year and do drive sometimes and it is OK. Just you need to be careful and not to drive in hte evenings, it is more dangerous, people drive sometimes with no lights.

I do know few drivers with their own cars that we hire from time to time, they are all good. I might ask them for a daily rate if you%26#39;d like. However, I personally I would drive since I always feel obliged to talk to the drivers and to entertain them.


Hi Rozafa! Can you tell me what would be the price to hire a driver? I would assume a daily rate + price per km?


I asked around and it will be 60 Euros per day for car and a driver plus all the expenses (accommodation and food) and petrol.

Let me know if you need anything else,


Thanks a lot!


Hello RAFAL, I am a travel agent from Albania Tirana, if you want some private Car we are our private driver that are very cheap, you just need to tell which city you woold like to visit in Albania and we calculate the price and i send you by e-mail, or if you need car rental we have also car rental that it costs per day 45 euro. Best regards from Edmir Cjapi. our web-site is


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Removed on: 1:18 pm, September 13, 2009

a cheap hotel in Tirana

hello ,,

i have a business trip in Tirana from 11 to 24 May ,, can you please help me to know a cheap and clean hotel ( near to the city center ).

thanks ,.


I don%26#39;t know what we consider cheap, any how

personally I would recommend Hotel California,

it%26#39;s less than 10 minutes walking distance from the main square and there are lots of amenities.


thanks very much for your reply ,,

my budjet is 40 to 50 US$ per/n

so , is hotel California will be suitable for my budjet ??


The site quotes the price as 50 Euros.


hi ,,

thanks for your reply ..

i had contacted a hotel named hotel Nobel Tirana

it offers me a very competitive price ,,

so , can you pls tell me what is your opinion about this hotel

if you know it



I do not know this hotel.

from this site it looks good. I cannot comment on this hotel. I wish you good luck.


my Dear ,,,

thanks very much for ur support ,,,

wish u also good luck

cheers ,.,


Here%26#39;s Hotel Nobel%26#39;s official site --%26gt;

I stayed there for a week in the middle of June. The room was huge and comfortable with A/C and the restaurant downstairs is good too. The hotel owner and restaurant staff are really nice and all treated me like a princess since I was traveling to Tirana by myself. It%26#39;s a really small hotel with only a few rooms upstairs, but all the better...more personal service :)

Highly recommend this over any of the other crazily-expensive hotels in Tirana! This one was right on Skenderbeg Sq and only 30 euros a night!


Hello K Refky, We are a travel agent from Albania office in Tiraba, if you need hotel in Tirana you can visit our web-site and you finde 50 hotels around of Tirana, and 350 hotels around of Albania our web-site is

Best regards from Edmir Cjapi.


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Removed on: 8:17 pm, September 13, 2009

travel agency in albania

i am looking for travel agency based in albania,mecedonia.

can someone advise me some address.



new delhi india


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Hello completeserver, We are a travel agency based Tirana, Albania, if you need something please visit our web-site and will finde all the service there, or you want to contact direct write us in our -mail adress

Late e hir from you.

Albania to Turkey - Cheap Flights


I am looking for a cheap flight to Istanbul from irane or anywhere in Aalbania to Isanbul. I have already checked Ryanair and EasyJet.

Would anyone have any information they could share with me on this? Many thanks!


The Flight Search Engine you find in English too:

Regards Naturelsker


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Removed on: 6:21 am, September 09, 2009

Croatia to Greece

Can anyone help us. We bought a car in Scotland and have made it to Croatia. We want to drive down to Greece, but dont hold an international Green card. Is this necessary when crossing the borders???

Thanks Matt


yes my friend. in greece like all eu countries you must have a green card for your car so you must be covered from your insurance company if anything hapends


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Removed on: 4:16 pm, September 15, 2009

Immigration Travel Visa To Albania

Hi I need somebody to send me how to get visa to ablania before i make my booking


Hi there. Would be easier to answer, if u said where u are from. If u are from an EU country, Serbia, Montenegro, Israel, Turkey, Macedonia, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan then u dont need a visa. if u are from another country then u do. For more accurate info you should check


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Removed on: 4:11 pm, December 13, 2007


Hello Nabe.

You cant gate visa without making booking hotels, if you need replye us we will asist to gate visa but not emigration visa, for emigration visa you most aplye self in Albania.


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Removed on: 4:25 am, September 15, 2009

Visiting Albania


I am planning to visit Albania from Nigeria. Please advice on how to get the visa.




hi there. you should contact the nearest embassy or consulate of Albania. Thats where you get a visa. Do you really need one???


Hello Jenka.

We are a travel agency from Albania and we can help you for aplying visa, you need only to book an hotel and we will send to you the invitation leter and after that u will aplye for Visa in Cairo or Bucharest to take Albania visa without problem, u need only to write us or visit our web-site

Warm regards from Albania.


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Removed on: 6:19 am, September 06, 2009

who can recommend me to visit Albania

I`m planing to visit albania but I don`t know how does it looks like to spend my holiday over there? any idea?


My husband and I took a trip to Albania in October 05. My husband is from Tirana, Albania and has many family members living in both Tirana (capital city) and Durres (city by the sea). Albania is a beautiful country with many cultural and ancient sites to visit. You must be prepared with first educating yourself on the history of albania, therefore you can understand the culture and you will understand why the country is the poorest european country. The south of Albania is a must...the water is so pure and clean and the topography of the whole area is so rugged and natural. A gem that has yet to be discovered by so many. The cuisine is excellent and you will find the Albanians to be warm and welcoming.

I hope you spend your holiday in Albania!


Hi marks,

I hope you didnt change your mind about at least spending some time in Albania. I am sure you will feel good to say that you were curageous enogh to explore this country when it was still unknown because it will, now that things are improving so fast. It is still virgin but adventure tourists are already here. You can find good hotels with medium prices (cheaper than europe though), different food and tastes.

I can give you information if you like .....


HI maksman. i have just came back from Albania. Lots of photos. What your e-mail. About the trip. the country is an unspoil beauty with staning mauntains, lakes and beches. In Tirana I particukar like a new cable car which is going to the highst mauntain in Tirana (recomended to visit in the morning due sun position for better view). There still a lots of work needs to be done in Albania to become a proper Europenian standart cou.ntry (rubish on the streets, very bad roads). But private hospitality businesses working really well, cheap, frendly. REally nice people. Great drive between Tirana and Pogrodec - on a top of mauntains.

HOlidays advice will depend what are you ecspecting from holidays. If you are looking for outstanding medetarian beauty, cheap, cultural and simple - albania is for you. Do not expect great shopping and pleasant (roads are not smooth in some places). Anyway ask me any questions


I recomand to searching on google with %26quot;saranda%26quot; %26quot;dhermi%26quot; %26quot;tirana%26quot; %26quot;butrint%26quot;...or to see the web page or too, wheres u will find many msg in english or italian...I have seen a message before..and is truth that some of national road are roots but, if u thinking that before 1991 is no one person that have a particulary car!. U will be wondered about bunkers in all the territory of albania (they are almost 700.000 bunkers, that today one of them is compared with an great apartment). Also the beach shore is almost 300 km, from shkodra (velipoja) and till konispol (south-Saranda). The best cities to visit they are Kruja (about 1 hour from tirana) the historical museum of Scanderbeg, Durres (the great amphiteater...that some parts are discovered soonly - the lion port%26#39;s, and museum of archeology), Shkodra (%26quot;the city without light%26#39;s we called us...%26quot;) wheres u will find in the same place, the sea, the river, the mountains, the lake and that very beautiful Rozafa Castle), Berat and the houses inside of castle (the city of 3000 houndered windows, 3500 years old...), Gjirokastra (the stone city..the houses are constructed by stone, and very old city and very nice traditional cousine!), and if u have enought time to visited the great ancient city of Butrint that%26#39;s situated in south of saranda, Apollonia (city of fier), etc.etc. In every place wheres u want to goes, u will find many minibuses (or furgon...called in albanian!- and they are very cheap).

I not was in the south of albania till now (because I finished the university outside my country!) but I discovered that in the same time is the country of contrasts, the beauty of mediterranian and wondered country...ALBANIA, A COUNTRY WHERE REALITY SURPASSES IMAGINATION...


i fully recommend taking a trip to albania, i was over there for nine weeks visiting my husband, it is lovely.

never mind the roads, nor the rubbish! it really isnt that bad, i can think of far worse places to go!

people always say about the roads and the rubbish but the government really are trying to do something about this,things dont happen over night!

i was stunned by the views i could see from my house, as i had not been told many good things about albania but once i got there it felt like home, the people are friendly, the food and drinks are cheap,overall i would recommend it 150%! there are many many things to do over there, it is a lovely place, dont listen to anyone who says otherwise! :-)


i fully recommend taking a trip to albania, i was over there for nine weeks visiting my husband, it is lovely.

never mind the roads, nor the rubbish! it really isnt that bad, i can think of far worse places to go!

people always say about the roads and the rubbish but the government really are trying to do something about this,things dont happen over night!

i was stunned by the views i could see from my house, as i had not been told many good things about albania but once i got there it felt like home, the people are friendly, the food and drinks are cheap,overall i would recommend it 150%! there are many many things to do over there, it is a lovely place, dont listen to anyone who says otherwise! :-)


Albania is a beatiful country and you have to spend a few days to visit it. If you do not have enough time you have to go back one day. You must visit Tirana, Gjirokaster, Saranda, Kruja, Berat. The best time to visit is Spring, Summer or Fall.

Enjoy your time.…


I am a Canadian, and am Jewish, is Albania a safe place to visit?


Hi I am a canadian and I am jewish.I want to know if Albania is a safe place for me to visit.


albania is the only country in europe that had more jews after the holocaust than it did before ... u should be fine

Property agents in Tirana or Durres?

I will visit 26/27 April (ie, this Friday and Saturday!) in Tirana and Durres. Besides learning the towns a bit, would also love to talk with any property agent who has a bit of English or German.

Thanks for any leads. Gordon


Dear GPMN.

If you need eny thonk about Albania you can ask me i am a travel agent based in Tirana and we have an web-site that are 350 hotels around of Albania and we have a full tourism service.

Our web-site is

Warm regards from Edialtour Albanian Online Agency.


May I suggest the oldest real estate agency in Albania. Check out the website they have English speaking agents and know the whole country very well.


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Removed on: 10:19 am, September 16, 2009

trip to Tirana and Korce with Mom

I am beginning to plan a trip for this coming June to Tirana and Korce with my 75 year old mother. She is a US citizen of Albanian parents, both from Korce, and has longed to visit her parents homeland for years. This June we will do it!

I am interested in your thoughts about hotels in either or both cities that would be comfortable for Mom (I am considering the Diplomat in Tirana and the Regency in Korce).

Also, getting to Korce. What aer your thoughts? I have read that the bus trip is 3-4 hours. Would a rented car or a private driver make better sense and be quicker? I lived in Macedonia for a while on %26#39;06 and rented cars often, but don%26#39;t know if the driivng is as safe in Albania as it is in Macedonia.

Any thoughts or ideas or recommendations will be most appreciated. Thanks and Happy New Year.



My 82 year-old grandmother in law is from Korca and I have travelled there with her from Tirana several times. I would definitely advise having a private driver unless your mother is extremely sprightly for her age. Rental cars here are expensive and driving conditions are the worst I%26#39;ve ever seen (and I%26#39;ve been around!).

As for hotels, there are plenty of good ones in Tirana. The only limiting factor is your wallet. The Sheraton and Rogner are good, but expensive. The Diplomat is OK, but is kind of out of the way. In central Tirana I can reccommed the Hotel President or the Grand Hotel. In Korca, I%26#39;ve only stayed in a hotel once and it was fair at best. There are several new ones and it pays to ask around once you get there.

If you have other questions, don%26#39;t hesitate to shoot me an e-mail at



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Removed on: 1:17 pm, September 16, 2009

Albania in December

Hi folks,

I have a week and a half off and am considering doing a bit if travelling in the albania region. Just wondering what the weather is like around that time. Access to ATMs,hostels,nightlife??

I%26#39;m travelling on my own from Dublin so will prob have to go through another country. So any suggetions with itinerarie would be great!!!


There is only one hostel in Albania - a %26quot;Backpackers%26#39; Hostel%26quot; on Rruga e Elbasanit in Tirana. Hotels in other cities, however, are quite inexpensive. If you do not hope for anything fancy, you should be able to get rooms from 20 - 30 EURO per night.

As for ATMs, they are now quite common in Albania. In general you will be able to get only Albanian currency from them, but there are even a few in Tirana that give you Euro. Small villages do not have banks, much less ATMs.

Concerning nightlife, it is more or less limited to cafes and bars in cities outside Tirana. In Tirana itself there are some jazz clubs and discos. I myself consider them rather boring, but they do exist.

You can get here flying to Tirana airport, but this may be expensive. My guess for the most likely budget flights would be Corfu, from where you can get to Albania by boat. You could also look into Prishtina (Kosovo), Podgorica (Montenegro), and Skopje (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).

As for your week in Albania, I would guess that if you are coming in December, you won%26#39;t be looking for beaches. The nicest cities are Gjirokastra and Berat. You could also make a quick excursion from Tirana to Kruja. There are some spectacular mountains in the north, but getting to them can be difficult, especially if it has snowed. Public transportation is generally poor outside major urban centres, so you would need to plan plenty of time if you do choose to try going to the mountains.

As for the weather, it is difficult to predict. It rarely gets below freezing in Albania, except in the mountains. Nevertheless, in December it can get fairly close to freezing and flats are generally not well heated.

I hope this helps, but certainly I can provide you with more information, if you like.


Thanks for your help,its been very helpful


I would also suggest that you fly to Corfu, it might be cheapest and it is only 40 min by boat from Saranda. Once in Saranda you should not miss Butrinti, the Roman remenants.

Albanian coast is gorgeous, from Saranda to Vlora is stuningly beautiful but since it is winter month maybe is better to go to Gjirokastra. Very pretty town birth place of Enver Hoxa and Ismail Kadare. While there you can stay in Hotel Kalemi, very beautiful little hotel, you could negotiate the price. From there you could go to Berat and stay in a small hotel called Mangalemi.

You might also stop in Durres, I like the center and go to Tirana from there. Visit Kruja and the old bazar. One more place good to be visited is Korca if you have time.

Thethi is great little village in the mountains but I am not sure how accessible is in December.

If you need any other help just let me know, if not enjoy Albania.


Hello johnmc85, We are a travel agent from Albania, if you need cheaper hotel visit our web-site you will finde 350 hotels around of Albania.

Let e now if you need something else.



Catch Ryan Air from Dublin to Pisa, overnight there and get Belle Air to Tirana. Cheapest conncetion to Ireland there is. Once you%26#39;re in Tirana, there%26#39;s lots to do and see. Depends on what interests you. Drop me a line at if you have specific questions.



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Removed on: 3:16 pm, September 16, 2009

Several days in Albania -- advice and suggestions


My friend and I will be in the Balkans for about 3 weeks in September 2008, and plan to spend about 5-6 days in Albania on our way from Montenegro to Greece.

Here is the current plan. For anyone who has travelled or lives in the area, please let me know if my travel assumptions are reasonable. Also, if we are spending too much/too little time in some place and missing other great places to visit, please let me know so we can adjust!

Day 1 -- Very early AM taxi from Ulcinj, Montenegro to the border with Albania. Walk across the border, and find a taxi to Shkroda that will bring us to the location in Shkroda to pick up a shared van to take us to Tirana. Furgon to Tirana and spend the afternoon/evening there.

Day 2 -- Furgon to Berati (3 hours?). Spend the day and night there.

Day 3 -- Furgon from Berati via Vlore to Dhermi. Spend the balance of the day exploring the beaches around Dhermi. How long is this trip likely to take? Will there be any time to explore Dhermi that afternoon?

Day 4 -- Furgon from Dhermi to Sarande. Doing this mainly for the scenery along the coastal road. If we get to Sarande in time, would like to take a trip to ruins at Butrint.

Day 5 -- Furgon from Sarande to Gjirokaster. Spend the day and night there.

Day 6 -- Leave Gjirokaster. Take a taxi to Greek border. From there, catch a bus through Ioannina to Kalambata to visit Meteora.

Please let me know if this sounds reasonable. Are we squeezing too much in? I know we are skipping Durres and Kruje-- but it is impossible to see it all!

Also, our original thought was to fly from Montenegro directly to Ohrid in Macedonia and spend a few days there before trying to jump over to Albania for a few days and then heading to Greece. The more research we%26#39;ve done, the more intrigued we are with Albania and have decided to skip Ohrid so we can spend more time in Albania. Does anyone think that is a mistake?

Thanks for your advice!



Hello Craig,

I don%26#39;t think you are making a mistake (although Ohrid is very beautiful city) because Albania is an amzing country.

I would suggest you take a furgon from Ulcinj to Shkodra sine there are few during the day. From Berat to Dhermi should not be more than three hours. There is a new road buing built so hopefully by September next year good part will be finished if not all. You should have some time to see Dhermi and to lay down on a beautiful beach.

Depending on the time of the furgon you should have some time to visit Butrinti and I would strongly suggest you do so. From Dhermi to Saranda is three hours and it is very beautiful.

I am sure you will have a great time. If you need anything else please let me know.


Thanks for the advice! Looks like we%26#39;re on the right track.

As we plan more, I%26#39;m sure we%26#39;ll have more questions. Hopefully it will be ok to contact you with any specifics!




Hi Rozafa,

One question -- how easy is it to find furgons/buses from Berat (or Vlore) to Dhermi? Would we need to take a taxi?

The other concern is transportation from Dhermi to Sarande. I assume it is a very small town and am concerned it might be difficutl to find transportation.

Any thoughts?




Taxis are quite cheap there as well Craig. Whenever l visit Albania l prefere them to furgons and busses since the taxi fares are very reasonable considering you coming from a western / first world country - this way you also dont have to waste much time waiting around for the furgon to get full in order to depart - a typical 60 km journey will not cost you more than 20 - 25 $

Rozafa is right when she suggests you ought to get a furgon or a taxi from Ulcin to Shkoder and not take your chances of looking for a taxi at the border. Avoid crossing that border at night, the road from Ulcin to Shkoder via Muriqan border crossing is in a very poor condition and goes through some pretty remote and isolated areas.

I am sure you will enjoy your time in albania given the renowned hospitabilty and the utmost respect they show ftowards the guests - people will go out of their way to help you if you are need of any assistance.

Good luck and enjoy your journey


Hello craig201, I am a travel agent from Albania and we can arrange your trip perfect, if you have interese please replye us.

Best regards from Edmir.

Our web-site is



I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll have a great time in Albania - I spent a few days there in the summer and loved it! I can%26#39;t comment on most of your trip as we didn%26#39;t go that far south....

I would say, though, don%26#39;t walk across the border as it%26#39;s not as you might imagine! You end up on the outskirts of Skodra and there%26#39;s not much option for getting a cab! We hired a driver to take us from Ulcinj to Skodra, I think it cost about 40 euros.

The Albanian people were so friendly it was lovely, even people that couldn%26#39;t speak any English were so incredibly helpful - it%26#39;s amazing what you can achieve with sign language!

Have a great time!



It all depends on what you want to see and what type of travel you prefer. Your planned itinerary looks a little ambitious to me. All of the places you mtnion are worth seeing, but are widely separated, by time, not distance. Catching the furgons is a great idea, but they don%26#39;t leave on a schedule. They leave when the are full of paying passengers. You could wait for 5 hours in Berat to find furgon with enough people to justify a trip to Vlore. The you wait in Vlore for a ride to Dhermi.

I%26#39;d suggest you decide what you want to see, place the towns in priority order, and hit as many as travel conditions allow. Time is much more flexible here.

If you have specific questions, drop me a line at



Kruje is very interesting with museums, the market and a nice restaurant, go through the market, past the Skenderbej museum, up some steps and it%26#39;s the top one off to the right. I would think about reconsidering if you have a couple of hours to spare. You should be able to find a taxi to take you there from Tirana, wait for 2 hours or so and then bring you back. Make sure you agree on a price for the whole trip before you leave Tirana or your hotel might be able to arrange it for you

If you like lamb, make sure you order Paidhaqe (pronounced pie-thatch-uh), lamb ribs. This is delicious throughout Albania in my opinion.

Travelling by furgon is an experience, the roads in Albania are not that smooth so be prepared.


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Removed on: 1:17 pm, September 17, 2009

Tirana and Korce in June

I am beginning to plan a trip for this coming June to Tirana and Korce with my 75 year old mother. She is a US citizen of Albanian parents, both from Korce, and has longed to visit her parents homeland for years. This June we will do it!

I am interested in your thoughts about hotels in either or both cities that would be comfortable for Mom (I am considering the Diplomat in Tirana and the Regency in Korce).

Also, getting to Korce. What are your thoughts? I have read that the bus trip is 3-4 hours. Would a rented car or a private driver make better sense and be quicker? I lived in Macedonia for a while on %26#39;06 and rented cars often, but don%26#39;t know if the driivng is as safe in Albania as it is in Macedonia.

Any thoughts or ideas or recommendations will be most appreciated. Thanks and Happy New Year.



Hi Beth.

Last summer I visited both Tirane and Korce.

In Tirana, you might also consider staying at the Tirana International Hotel, since it%26#39;s right in the center of the city. When you go to Korce, check out Grand Hotel which is also in the center of the city.

As far as getting to Korce from Tirana, I wouldn%26#39;t recommend traveling by bus. It will probably take 5-6 hours. I do suggest however that you get there by %26quot;TAXI%26quot; (Minivans), which take about 4 hours. You have to share it with other people though. They usually stop somewhere halfway there to eat and/or fuel.

I hope you and your mother have a great trip.

Let me know if you have any other questions.



Hi Beth!

I would rather reccomend renting a car with a driver seen the age of your mom! Much more comfortable even though a bit more expencive...

Contact and they will set up everything from the most comfortable and nice hotels to the trip to Korca...

Regards and a lot of fun in Albania...



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Removed on: 12:19 pm, September 19, 2009

16 years on

Hi all, around about 16 years ago I took children’s toys and medical supplies to Albania whilst working for Royal mail parcel force here in the UK.

At the time the country was in a bit of a state infustrucure wise roads where dangerous, shops had no goods for sale, hospitals had no drugs we even struggled to get diesel for the Lorry and had to use red Diesel etc.

My route took me down through mainland Europe where we caught a ferry from Trieste to Durres from there we parked in a armed secure military base in Tirana for one night before taking the supplies to Berat the next.

We stayed in Berat for about a week before retuning home to the UK.

During my stay I met some wonderful People and the hospitality and generosity of the Albanian people has stayed with me ever since.

So back to the main reason for my post, I was wondering how things are in Albania now especially Berat, I know I can do a internet search but I wanted to here it from people who live there or have been there recently.

Thanks Trevor


I live in Tirana now and can tell you that things are much better. I first arrive 8 years ago and have been coming back regularly since. I%26#39;ve now lived here for over a year and enjoy watching things improve. OK, there%26#39;s a lot of room for improvement, but progress is being made.

I was in Berat last week visiting relatives. The city has possibilities, but is off the beaten path and suffers for lack of investment by the government. This is an opportunity for private investors and I am currently working on establishing a youth hostel there.

If you have specific questions, e-mail me at



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Removed on: 9:20 pm, September 26, 2009

Llogara Tourist Village

I tried to post the following review for a hotel in the Llogara National Park, but got a message that the property is not eligible for a listing. I checked the criteria, and as far as I could tell, it met them. Nonetheless, I am posting the review here.

This is definitely one of the most interesting hotels in Albania. It consists of

wooden bungalows surrounding a very pleasant lawn. There also is a new hotel

building offering more traditional rooms. The setting is beautiful, surrounded with

trees - and in the summer it may be one of the few places in Albania where one can

be comfortable without air conditioning. This is because it is located near the top

of a mountain, which in turn is very near the sea.

Each bungalow has two bedrooms with two single beds. There is also a living room and

a bathroom, as well as a veranda. The whole setting is quite rustic. There is no

furniture in the bedrooms other than the beds. The living room has a sofa, table

and some cabinets. The television gets a few channels. In the past, these included

some foreign stations, but on my most recent visit it was all in Albanian. Living

rooms also have refrigerators, but unfortunately mine did not work.

Bathrooms are also quite basic. There is a toilet, sink and shower, but little space

to place anything. Four people would have some difficulty placing everything on the

only surface that can hold anything - the top of the boiler. That brings us to the

biggest problem. The boilers are quite small. There is barely enough hot water for

one or two persons. If three or four occupy the place, each would have to limit

himself or herself to a very, very short shower - otherwise subsequent users would

have only cold water.

I did not see the rooms in what is now the main building (though it is a new

addition). The bar and restaurant areas are quite nice by Albanian standards.

Breakfast, however, was very basic for a place that tries to sell itself as

luxurious. There was rather stale bread, rather suspect looking sausages, and some

thin juice. Tea and coffee were not included - though they could be ordered from the

nearby bar (and paid for). The main building also has a swimming pool - though use

requires payment of a modest fee.

The most unusual part of this place is the deer wandering freely on the territory of

the complex. They are quite tame, and sometimes even allow themselves to be fed and


With a few minor improvements, this would be a truly excellent hotel compound.

Because of the flaws, I am torn between rating it neutral and giving it an %26quot;above

average%26quot;. By international standards, a neutral is more appropriate. In Albania, it

is well above average!


May 2008

Agree with above post. In addition, no phones, no Internet, no shower curtains in a relatively modern bathroom in the main building. Yes, the bathroom gets flooded during your shower.

The compound is just that. Nothing to do. Interior swimming pool is extra cost. No hiking trails nearby, and if you walk on the main road to the compound, there are no shoulders or areas to walk on and the neighborhood dogs are not friendly. Great for reading, puzzles, and other in-room activities.


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Removed on: 4:16 pm, September 28, 2009

Corfu to Dhermi via Sarande

Hello - me and my boyfriend are thinking of travelling to Albania via Corfu next month. I%26#39;ve been looking up info online for a few months now but there%26#39;s so little information!

I%26#39;ve got the ferry timetable, so that%26#39;s ok, but I%26#39;ve got loads more questions and wondered if anyone was able to help:

(1) Buses generally - are they ok? We%26#39;d like to get the bus from Sarande to Dhermi, but can%26#39;t work out where they go from, frequency etc. Any advice here? And does the bus go directly to Dhermi, or will we need to change/ask to be dropped off on the road and walk down?

(2) Dhermi hotels - I know that July is the big season, so I%26#39;d really like to try to book something in advance if possible. I%26#39;m not in the luxury market - something like a basic, family-run pension is my kind of thing. Really grateful for any hints and tips here. I%26#39;ve followed the link to the Albanian travel organisation who posts here but the website seems to give more or less exactly the same info for each hotel!

(3) Money - I%26#39;ve read on lots of fora that you shouldn%26#39;t take loads of money around with you, but I%26#39;m concerned that somewhere like Dhermi won%26#39;t have banks etc. Is it best to take Albanian Lek?

I think that is enough questions for now - thank you in advance for any advice!


Generally, buses are OK. At the lower end of OK sometimes, but not too terrible. Summer is, shall we say, pungent at times. Schedules are chaotic or non-existent. Usually you show up at the %26quot;bus place%26quot; early in the morning, get on a bus, and wait until it fills up. A better option is the minibus (furgon). The operate the same way but fill up faster, travel faster, and are generally more tolerable. Great way to meet Albanians. Buses will generally drop you off in the center of the upper village or at the turnoff to the beach and you get to walk about 1 km down to the beach. Maybe less, but it sure felt like a long way to my old, fat legs!

You can find Bankomats in most towns. I always carry 20,000 - 30,000 lek around with me when I travel for fuel, food, emergencies etc. and have never felt uneasy. If I was travelling by bus, I would be sure to stash it in several different places so if someone does grab your wallet, you don%26#39;t lose it all in one go.

If you have other questions, feel free to e-mail me at

Dhermi will be full in July and August. There are several homeowners there who have started renting out rooms. You just have to show up and ask around.


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Removed on: 3:18 am, October 03, 2009

One day in Sarande - how best to spend it?

I will have from midday until the small hours in Sarande (Saranta, Sarande? Many different spellings of!) and am hoping for some tips on must-do%26#39;s whilst there. I will be doing the ships tour of Butrint, as it is pretty cheap %26amp; I don%26#39;t much fancy getting lost in a country I know absolutely nothing about - although I am researching it as best I can!

The pictures on wikipedia look absolutely beautiful so I would like to sample a beach for a couple of hours. Easycruise website lists the stop as %26#39;Agioi Saranta%26#39; so no idea whether this is near the main town of Sarande? As I will have the whole evening to spare, it would be nice to sample some typical Albanian fayre - I guess there are many bars etc. that service the tourists, but are there any nice local places? I will make sure I can say %26#39;Please%26#39;, %26#39;Thanks%26#39; %26amp; %26#39;couple of your finest beers please%26#39; but apart from that, I may be a bit stuffed in the language stakes!

Any advice or recommendations greatly received :)



First: The ferry arrive in the centre of town.

As for beach they are making a new beach just north of the promenade. If this is finished when you get there I think it%26#39;s a good choice.

I would also recommend a trip to the castle on top of the hill. It%26#39;s quite touristy but the restaurant/bar is good and the views are exellent!


Jan Henrik


Thanks for the response Superjan, have only just seen this so sorry for blanking you!

Shame this forum is not much frequented, but if you or anyone else has recommendation for somewhere for dinner %26amp; drinks, I%26#39;d be v. interested. Thankyou!


Ok, you did recommend somewhere! Anywhere else within stumbling distance of the ship?? Thanks again


OK, I just got back from Saranda. Depending on what you like, there are lots of things to do. If you like history and ruins and such, a trip to Butrint is a must. There are buses, taxis, and minibuses (furgon) that will gladly take you there. If you want to laze on a beach, you can get a taxi or ask about a boat trip to Kakome bay. Remote and beautiful. See it now before Club Med gets their building permit!

If you just want to see the town, wander up and down the steps of the old town and take in the sights both ancient and modern. There are Roman ruins in the center of town, a mosque, Orthodox church, and lots of folks just hanging out.

If you are more interested in wine, women, and song then you need to stroll from the port along the seafront and sit at any of the cafe bars or restaurants. I reccomend a place called Demi. It%26#39;s a little way past the end of the promenade, across the street from the Hotel Butrint. They have great fish, good wine, and a beautiful view of the sunset over the bay. There are a few discos if you are so inclined. The Hotel Butrint is expensive, but they have a great poolside pizzeria and bar. The castle on top of the hill does have a good restaurant and a spectacular view.

Have fun. If you have more specific questions, shoot me an e-mail and



Hi Stooginho:

I am taking the same cruise in July.. when are you going.. or did you go already? I am hoping your trip was before mine and that you%26#39;ll post a detailed trip report! =)


Thank you so much for your reply TT, I have to say I forgot to come back here, as there were not too many responses!

Butrint is first on the list, definitely. I%26#39;m still not sure whether to pay for the tour or do it solo - what am I looking at for a taxi there? I%26#39;m imagining that there will be other passengers wanting to go on their own so will probably be able to share a taxi. I really have no idea about the general prices of things in Albania ie; taxis, a couple of beers, meal %26amp; wine for two so if you could give me a rough idea, that would be great! I%26#39;d also like to ask your opinion about the fact that some previous easycruisers have felt unsafe; a couple have mentioned %26#39;incidents%26#39; but did not go into detail. To be honest, I%26#39;ve walked round some dodgy ports in my time %26amp; never had a problem, but is it something I should give thought to? PM me if you%26#39;d prefer - and thanks again for your help :))


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Removed on: 4:16 pm, October 02, 2009

Direct bus from Elbasan, Albania to Orhid, Macedonia.

Direct bus from Elbasan, Albania to Orhid, Macedonia.

I need last minute advice about taking a furgon (or long distance bus) from ELBASAN, ALBANIA to ORHID, MACEDONIA. I know the bus leaves from TIRANA, and the road to MACEDONIA passes through ELBASAN so I%26#39;m hoping to catch it in ELBASAN and go all the way to ORHID.

I don%26#39;t want to go to POGADEC, or take an expensive TAXI from the border. There must be a bus connecting TIRANA and SKOPJE, and I%26#39;d like to hop on board that bus in ELBASAN and get off at ORHID, if possible.

Please let me know ASAP, because I have to leave tomorrow (and I just found out today).



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Removed on: 8:18 pm, October 08, 2009

whats better: cash or travel check?

Hey guys

Our trip to Albania is getting closer and closer and we both are already there in our minds and realy cant wait until the 4th of September

One more question:

We%26#39;ll travel mainly at the north region (komani- Rragam, thethi park and Boga.. Is it dangerous carring cash? I know bad things can happend everywhere but i read that Bajram Curri has a doubtful reputation when it come to tourism saftyness so perhaps travel checks is a better option BUT since we%26#39;ll walk through a unpopulated region I guess that travel checks will be worthless over there..

So what do you think? shell we start with t.c and redeem tham at Bajram Curri (Is there a bank at this town?) or carring cash will be just fine?

Thanks a lot all of you! your tips helped us so much.

Lee and Nir


I think you should be fine with cash. I don%26#39;t think you will have any problems.



It feels very safe in Albania so you are better of with cash as it is easier to handle.


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Removed on: 2:17 pm, October 07, 2009


Hello - i am looking at going to Tirana next march - 7 lads on a little tour. We may get the ferry from Italy then fly back from Tirana - also may look at going into Pristina. Is there a bus that links Pristina to Tirana? If so how long and regular is it. Is Pristina safE?


Last I knew there was no direct bus from Tirana to Pristina. You may be able to go from Tirana to the border and then walk across and change to a bus in Kosovo. There is a daily flight from Tirana to the Pristina Airport. It may be cheaper and easier to fly to Skopjie Macedonia, then get a taxi to run you to the border, and then take a local bus to Pristina, you can catch one just north of the border checkpoint. Pristina is fairly safe, witht he thousands of UN, OSCE and NGO workers in the country, you will not stand out at all, and with a group of seven, you should not have any problems. Watch what you eat, some of the smaller food stands have no running water, and preparation may not be sanitary. Also if you walk, stay on sidewalks, and be extra careful in crossing the roads, traffic is heavy at times, and can be dangerous to pedestrians.


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Removed on: 8:17 am, October 02, 2009