can anyone help me get in touch with a friend called adonis diamanti he comes from lushnji some of his family come from durres he has 3 or 4 brothers musicians his father was a barber he has a sister who is a hairdresser and his youngest sister the only one to speak english is studying physcoligy if anyone can point me in the right direction as to where i start looking i have his home address but i,m sure he is not there at the moment he also has an artist shop but not sure if its in durres or tirane would be gratefull for any help here i would love to meet up once again with this person . thanks
hi there!
I am not sure i will be able to help since i dont know this person but i wanted to ask you a couple of question so meaby i can after that.
I live in london but i have friends from lushnje whom i might ask.
Are you sure the persons name is adonis diamanti.It just does not sound albanian at all,at least the surname.
Have you meet him in scotland or abroad,being a female and albanian myself i know sometimes albanian man love to dissapear when the going gets tough.
But anyway i wish you luck in finding adonis and meaby i might be able to help.
all the best..
thank you for your reply adais he is albanian and yes i met him here in glasgow scotland two yrs ago we fell in love but he had to go back home but he returned five wks ago at my home we saw each other every day for 2 wks and then he suddenly had to leave he says to london but i think he has family in sheffield so he may be there or else he is back home he told me he was still very much in love with me but i need closure on this one way or another i have today sent him a letter to his home but dont know if he has anyone staying in his home who knows where he is or can forward it to him maybe he has problems i dont know but i love him so much and he told me many times he feels the same i dont know what else to do he may not be happy at me doing this wich is also a worry for me but thanks for your help .
kind regards catherine
dear adais i forgot to mention i did write to him 2 yrs ago with this name and to the adress in lushnje he gave me and he did recieve the mail
Dear Catherine!
Sorry for the late reply.
I wrotte the name of Adonis down and i will ask a friend whose husband is from Lushnje and see if anyone knows him.
I do not not mean to be rude or intrude in your private life but i think its best for you if you move on.He obviously loved you but becouse of the documents and becuose most of albanian man(do not mean to ofend anyone my opinion and experience)do miss familys and home when they are abroad,they behave strangle but most of them at the end when it comes to settling down or things get serious want to do it with an albanian girl(by the way we are not privileged on this one).
Sorry if i was a bit too much on this one but i do love scotland and the people are so friendly i have been over there manny times and i do have friends there so my samaritan spirit is taking over i guess.!!
Anyway i will let you know if get any news,
all the best to you catherine ...
thank you for your reply you are possibly right maybe i should just give up when i%26#39;ve been at work i%26#39;ve had a few missed calls on my land line but the number was not witheld but could not be given for technical reasons which i have never heard of before and there are only a handfull of people with this number and i have checked and it wasnt them the address i have for him is floktorja ng jiturme dy qanin foto isi tek ypsiloni lushnje if that helps if there is anything i can do for you in the future adais please dont hesitate to ask thank you once again by the way he is 31 yrs old
kind regards catherine
Dear Catherine!
I just recieved a reply from my friend in Albania.
Her husband is from Lushnje and he has never known anyone in Lushnje with that name or even surname.He nows most of the people in Lushnje becouse it is a very small town and everyone knows the other person or you could ask and definitely your neighbour or a friend would know.
My friends husband said that might be an invented name( i thought so too to be honest with you.)
The address that he has given to you its very odd there is no street name or number on it and the wording basicly means;the hairdressers near the photo shop x and y(which in albanian slang means this and that)lushnje.
My gutt feeling is that you probably did not meet the right and the most honest person and man in their 30 in albania are still stuck in the old mentality i am afraid(not all of them thank god).
My advice to you dear friend (although we never meet allow me to say that pls)is to move on and forget him becouse in my opinion if he wanted to be with oyu ,you wouldve know it by now but i think it is best for you to forget and strat all over.
I wish you all the best and good luck in the future.
dear adais thank you so much for your help and your right i will need to move on i know that his sister did work in a hairdressers and so did he
but its probably better i just forget him thank toy again i wish you good health in the future have a wondrefull life full of happiness take care
regards catherine
Sweet Catherine - I have read the entire history here and feel like an intruder in some ways but just simply want to tell you that someone with a golden heart, just like yours, will evenutally find their way into your life making it happy and not sad....Adais is certainly right....knowing her own culture and humanity itself! You are obviously a wonderfully sensitive your heart for someone who is worth deserve it!
thank you for your kind message i appreciate it its nice to no that there are so many nice people out there and i think adais is right she was a great help to me and i wont forget her my heart is breaking but i will move on from this i am sure thank you once again for your kind words take care and all the best in the future
cath x
hi catherine,
I am sorry about what happened, but if you%26#39;re still looking, I will try to find the person for u. you said: floktorja... was his address contact in Lushnje, right?
Pls let me know and I will search further. If you have other names from his family, pls do let me know. you can also write at
rgds, diana
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