What are the winters like in Tirane? Do they get much snow? Do the nearby mountains become snow covered in winter? How much snowfall is average?
Winters in Tirana are generally mild. It rarely snows in the city and the surroundings. If you get outside of Tirana and travel west to more mountainous regions, there is a considerable amount of snow.
That%26#39;s right, it does not snow much in Tirana, but it rains and rains and rains and rains......
Further north and northwest you%26#39;ll find higher peaks and more snow....the Albanian Alps are BEAUTIFUL.
Winters in Tirana? COLD, at least inside the houses! The cement block construction of the houses holds the cold from outside; and, since the homes have no central heating but depend on gas and/or electric heaters, the temperature inside most homes is %26quot;chilly%26quot; even with extra clothes on. Outside the nighttime lows and daytime highs are between 0 and +8, three or four times a year reaching -5 overnight. The few times that snow might try to fall in the city, it quickly disappears, either before reaching the ground or upon touching it. However, in 2003 one storm brought enough snow for the children to make a small snowman if they got out early enough in the morning to do so. But the usual weather consists of rain, puddles, clouds, rain, overcast, mud, rain, dampness...and so on. Sun is an illusive commodity.
ah the rain! i was stuck with the rain this summer, for 12 hours solid! but the mountains are beautiful when covered with snow
zana are u originally from shishtavec
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