Sunday, April 15, 2012

East Europe 22. Dec 07-11. Jan 08(Dates, countries flex)

Hi everyone

I%26#39;m currently staying in Germany and am planning to do a trip around east europe after my internship ends. As the title of the post suggest, the date is not fixed (depending on how much overtime I can clock up and if I can finish my projects earlier ;P)

the rough plan is to take a train from Germany into Budapest and return finally with a plane from Zagreb back to Germany. The time period is almost a good three weeks. Of course it%26#39;d be nice to visit asmany countries as possible, but to me, quality is more impt then quantity and not just about having another feather in my hat.

The countries on the way: Hungary -%26gt; Romania -%26gt; Bulgaria -%26gt; Macedonia -%26gt; Albania -%26gt;Montenegro -%26gt; Serbia -%26gt; Bosnia and Hercegovinia -%26gt; Croatia, which is ultimately impossible. Due to some visa restrictions (I%26#39;m singaporean, and my resident permit in Germany expires end of the year) I%26#39;ve decided to leave out Bulgaria and Bosnia and Hercegovinia. I%26#39;ve heard that Albania could be tricky, so I%26#39;m giving it a miss also. I last checked the Macedonian website and it seems I can travel through the country for 14 days as a tourist without a visa.

so the trip route might turn out so: Hungary -%26gt; Romania -%26gt; Serbia -%26gt; from here I can choose to go down to Macedonia, visit Albania, back up to Montenegro and finally into Croatia, or simply straight into Croatia from Serbia.

- After all the rambling, I would like to ask if anyone has attempted something similar before?

- Some recommendations on the things to do in the various countries. I would pretty much like to be in the outdoors in Romania and contacted the guide Iulian from but have yet to receive a reply.

- tips on crossing the various borders, things to look out, transport (I will of course look through the various threads for some research)

- Is it even possible? My colleague from Serbia thinks I%26#39;m crazy to do all this in winter and insists I will freeze to death. I however would think it%26#39;s a good opportunity to discover the places undisturbed.

- tips or experiences camping in these places.

Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks for even reading through the whole post to begin with!


Hello, Laugh.

I%26#39;m afraid I haven%26#39;t traveled in Eastern Europe, although I dream of it. I have traveled a lot in Western Europe and consider myself a Europhile. I so love Europe that I have a Website of travel links so that I can travel vicariously, at least. You may find some links on the site that will give you ideas for your Eastern tour.

I wonder why you don%26#39;t include Slovenia on your tour list. Again, I haven%26#39;t been there, but it sounds like a wonderful destination. The Triglavski Narodni national park is supposed to be spectacular and the Adriatic coast looks like it would offer dramatic views of the sea and land. And Dubrovnik looks wonderful, although it is beginning to see more and more tourists.

Have a great trip,

Steve Stone


Hey Steve

Thanks a lot for your travel tip and the link to the website. Slovenia, yeah I thought about it, but I chose Zagreb as the last station as it%26#39;s more convenient perhaps? But it%26#39;s not fixed yet, so things might change. There%26#39;s currently a flight back from Croatia to Stuttgart, where I stay, so it%26#39;s great. But if I can find a cheap ticket back from Slovenia, I%26#39;ll definitely include it in my trip.

Thanks again!


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